Learn how I increase my SECURITY + WEALTH every single month.

In this video, learn how I...
- Discovered two huge myths about finances that keep women stuck in fear, overwhelm and avoidance. Regardless of how much money they're making.
- Protect my assets through the legal structure of my business, so I can sleep well knowing my legal house is in order and my personal assets are protected.
- Plan appropriately for taxes ALWAYS, so I’m never caught off guard when Uncle Sam knocks.
- Save for retirement, so I’m not working “pay-check to pay-check” in my elderly years.
- Invest in the growth of my business, so I’m not just doggie paddling to keep my head above water.
- Ensure that I have the funds for unexpected costs, so I’m not sent sliding down the ladder whenever something from left field happens (which it always will!).
- Plus, I'll show you how I create real SECURITY + WEALTH over time as a female entrepreneur.
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Learn the five parts of a strong Financial Foundation as a female entrepreneur.
It has taken me twenty years to learn what I will share with you in this free video. I'm going to show you how I've built a strong Financial Foundation in my business and personal life, so that I am increasing my security and wealth every single month. What I'll show you is relevant if you are just starting out, or if you've already got a super profitable business.
All of the amazing things you’ve heard about Myka and WINC are true. Really.
If you’re a woman who loves what she does and wants to take her business to the next level financially, practically, and yes, spiritually and emotionally, just thank the universe that WINC has crossed your path. You won’t be disappointed."
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- Are a female entrepreneur already, or you're just starting out in your business.
- Feel fear, resistance, overwhelm and/or avoidance with your finances, as a female entrepreneur.
- Worry about having the money for Uncle Sam come tax time, and/or dread doing your taxes every year because you're so disorganized.
- Fear arriving at retirement age without the nest egg you need.
- Would be sent into a financial tailspin, if slammed with an unexpected expense. (Ahem... or a global virus from left field!?!)
- Do business without protecting your personal assets, which could ruin everything you’ve worked for in one fell swoop.
- Lack understanding for how to create both security and wealth over time. (And why making more money does NOT guarantee more security or wealth!)
- You're ready to become an empowered, financially savvy, female business owner in 2020!
"I so appreciate how much real information you provide in your free webinars - so little fluff like many others. It’s what helped me decide that WINC’s 90-Day Program would be worth my time and money. Thank you for giving of yourselves and pouring into us, so we may pour into ourselves!"
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I've taught thousands of women entrepreneurs, and the majority of women feel fear, resistance and overwhelm in their financial life.
The most common struggle is simply avoiding their finances all together. A woman told me a couple weeks ago that she'd been piling all of the "scary mail" (i.e. bank statements, credit cards, bills, anything financial) in a corner for two years.
She also said she's increasingly suffering from anxiety and panic attacks. I wonder if these two things might be related?
Feeling fear, overwhelm and avoidance of your finances is so common. But it doesn't have to be.
I believe women everywhere have the choice to transform their relationship with money and finances. My experience is that this is an inside-job emotionally, and an outside-job for building new, strategic financial literacy skills.
In this free video, I'll share the skills, strategies, systems and spreadsheets I've developed to create security + wealth every single month, so you can also learn how to build a financial foundation for yourself and your family.
I'll also delve deep into the emotional territory that has women choose fear, resistance and overwhelm in their life and business. This is such a sensitive domain. Which is why WINC creates a loving, compassionate container in the Q&A videos to help you move through these scary places... together, as Women In Community.
If you're excited to turn the page this year and unlock the power of your choice to finally create a solid financial foundation for you and your family, I cannot wait to hear about your transformation in this Masterclass!
Myka McLaughlin
Founder, WINC
Most brand new entrepreneurs think a business name, logo and website are the first steps to starting a business.
In our opinion, a logo and website are often huge, expensive distractions at first. The first thing we recommend, if you are just starting out, is getting your Financial House in Order by creating the legal and financial foundation of your business. Your business is meant to generate money for you and your family... so please don't build your business on a financial mess.
In other words... just starting out? Then START HERE with our Financial Foundation free video and/or the following five-week Masterclass.
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- WINC is in its 11th year in business in 2022!! (Only 1/3 of businesses survive to 10 years in the U.S.)
- Economist by training.
- I built two six-figure businesses totally solo. (WINC is my second business.)
- I designed a business model that created the life I love. It was not a hope or a happy accident... it was strategic design.
- I built an amazing operational team, and then brought in the business partner of my dreams.
- I handed my business over to the WINC team, and went on a 1.5 year sabbatical! (Because I had a financial foundation to do it with.)
- Excellent personal credit score, and Tier 1 (best level) business credit score.
- I’ve had retirement accounts since I was a teenager.
- If the worse-case scenario happened, I have the net worth to be okay for many years.
- I've taught 1000s of women entrepreneurs, and WINC has intimately helped 460+ women build profitable business models and gain financial literacy.
- 20 years of spiritual practice and embodiment with a Master Teacher.
- Most importantly, I love my life, practice what I preach, and have created real security for myself with financial literacy skills implemented over time.
- When COVID hit, WINC's financials were in great shape. We had cash in the bank to weather the storm as a business, and in each of our team's personal life. The proof is in the pudding... our Financial Foundation works when a crisis hits (even in a global economic crisis!).
Transform your financial future
WINC has taught thousands of women entrepreneurs how to make, manage and grow their money. Get started with the free Financial Foundation video!
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