Your Soulmate



Attract customers you absolutely love, consistently and with more ease.

Clarify the work you were put on Earth to do.

This if for you if...

  • You have trouble talking or writing about what you do in a clear, powerful way...
  • You struggle to generate money consistently, in a new or not so new business...
  • You say yes to customers that you don't love working with in order to pay the bills... 
  • You have been in business (or a job) for years, and are yearning for a new chapter doing something you are passionate about, but don't know where to start...
  • You are at the very beginning of a business, or want to reinvent your existing business...

Imagine if you could call in your dream clients on a regular basis.

Well, you can.

in this Masterclass
You will gain

  • An intimate understanding of your Soulmate Customer including their fears, emotions and what motivates them, so you can design powerful product offerings, build an effective marketing strategy and sell with ease.
  • A powerful methodology for how to write marketing copy that is compelling and activates your Soulmate Customer to take notice of you and your business. 
  • Clarity and alignment around your business as an expression of your life’s purpose, so you can feel energized, confident and purposeful in your business for the long haul.
  • The foundation for a simpler, more organized and way more strategic business, with increased earning potential, lifestyle design and ability to scale.
  • Powerful tools for getting into your customers shoes and learning to speak their language, so you can get their attention and design offerings that they find irresistible.
  • Ways to integrate your powerful new clarity into your existing business and see how it helps you stand out from the crowd and makes marketing and selling easier. 

 Building your business without knowing your customer intimately is like trying to put a roof on a house without any walls.


"With WINC, I have narrowed my focus, getting clear on the customers that will most benefit from my services and that I feel most passionate about reaching with my message.  I now have the support and connections I need to properly market my unique program to help the largest number of women possible".

Mary Kay

I was in the "hope" stage of business where I basically just hoped that my business would succeed without really putting in much strategic effort.

With Elizabeth's help, I was able to get crystal clear on who my soulmate customer is and how to build a profitable offering that serves this demographic in a beautiful and thoughtful way. 

Yoga therapist

I now understand how to simplify my business by saying no to many things in order to serve something special to my soulmate customers, while fueling my own needs. As a result, I feel peaceful, with a workable plan, instead of a wish or a random trial of something new each time. I see the purpose of my current business, and how my soulmate customers are benefiting from my offerings. 


Your Soulmate Customer

  • 2 hour video trainings with Elizabeth Winheld, CEO of WINC, to walk you through defining your Soulmate Customer, learning how to powerfully communicate with them and how to incorporate this clarity into your business.
  • comprehensive 40+ page PDF workbook that walks you through a series of in-depth exercises help you clarify your Soulmate Customer and write powerful marketing copy to attract them.
  • Lifetime access to the recording so you can go through the training again and again, at your own pace.
  • $250 credit towards WINC's 90-Day Business Training Program


About Elizabeth

• Self employed since 21.

• Built a 6-figure graphic & web design company.

• Did WINC's 90-Day training as a student 7 years ago.

• Now WINC CEO and facilitator for the 90-Day Program, working with her Soulmate Customers everyday!

Investing in the Soulmate Customer Masterclass is the best way to set yourself up for success in WINC's 90-Day Program, where you will learn how to create the rest of your business around the clarity of your Soulmate Customer.