In all 17 years I have been attending workshops and events, for the first time ever, I got actual value for my time.
The WINC event was amazing and powerful. I was so impressed with your offers of not just connection and community, but real meat and tools to get shit done.
I made a decision a month ago to run my business as an actual business; get intentional about my dreams. Then, I saw your ad. So... God is listening. And so am I! I can tell you that in all 17 years I have been attending workshops and events, for the first time ever, I got actual value for my time. Crazy excited for my call and to dig IN on this!"
LAURIE. WINC event attendee.
upcoming events
Business Training. Genuine Connection. Personalized Support.
02 // 06 // 25
Private Playground:
Unleash your Creativity
Join us for this four-week creative experiment, where we reclaim our creative expression for ourselves—not for social media, not for an audience, just because it feels good.
When: Thursdays, February 6-27, 1-2:30 PM MT
Where: Zoom
Cost: $33
build your
email list
Is "list building" on the long list of things you know you "should" be doing for your business but you either never get around to it, or you're not sure what to do?
Now more than ever, a healthy email list is a vital asset to your business.
Join us live and learn:
- Why to build an email list
- How to ensure your list is made up of ideal customers
- What to share with your list
- How a list turns into money in the bank account
When: Wednesday, May 1st, 10-11:30am MST
Where: Zoom
Cost: Cost: Free to attend live or purchase the replay for $12 here.
RSVP: Must RSVP to attend
the river:
your stage of business
and why it matters
Missed the live event? No problem! You can still catch all the valuable insights!
While you are totally unique and your journey is one of a kind, there is a decipherable pattern that we all go through in the journey of building a thriving business.
We call this journey, The River.
Where you are on The River illuminates exactly what to focus on and what NOT to focus on. This insight is a game changer… for your to-do list, for your overwhelm, for your self-doubt, and ultimately, for your bottom line.
If you feel like you’re in a maze, groping around in the dark, and fretting about the 10,000 things you should do to create or grow your biz, please join me and your WINC Sisters.
We’ll turn the light on. We'll give you the map. We’ll help you find your trust and focus for where you are right now (and where you'll be in the future too). And you’ll take a big sigh of relief because those 10,000 things will be reduced to just a few.
In this replay, you’ll learn:
- To diagnose not only what stage of business you’re in now, but also the stages to come down the road, so that instead of feeling overwhelmed in the swirling caldron of to-dos and daily demands, you’ll have immense clarity on what to expect now, in the future, and why. I cannot overestimate the power of having a map and a compass in this entrepreneurial journey.
- The common struggles in each stage of business – the practical/strategic struggles, the emotional barriers, and even, the spiritual transformation that your business invites you to embody in each stage – that directly affect how quickly you turn your vision and expertise into dollars in your bank account.
- What to focus on in each stage of your business. One of the biggest barriers to our success is trying to do everything all at once. You’ll learn the specific areas to focus on in each stage of business, so that you can propel your business to the next profitable stage with more ease.
- A four-part system that takes all the guesswork out of building a profitable business. It took us years to figure out how a business actually works and what to focus on to make money. If you’re not building your business systematically and strategically, it’s far too easy for “doing what you love” to be a j-o-b dressed up as a business. With this system, you’ll learn how to make money in your business efficiently and effectively, so you can have the lifestyle and freedom you personally desire as an entrepreneur.
Don't miss out on this opportunity to gain invaluable insights into your entrepreneurial journey! Purchase the replay now.
why your marketing
isn't working
Missed the live event? No problem! You can still catch all the valuable insights!
I will illuminate why your marketing isn't producing the results you would like and help you connect the dots so you know exactly how to make your marketing more effective (and maybe even more enjoyable!).
Get ready to blow the top off your relationship with marketing and step into the technicolor possibility of a steady flow of amazing customers, excited to work with YOU. And, the results in your bank account that follow.
invites in
your inbox
Join our email list so you never miss another WINC event.
(If you are currently on our email list, you are getting these already!)
“WINC is without a doubt one of the best investments I have ever made in my business and myself.”